Posted by: soulman | January 20, 2007

First Posting

First of all, a very big Thank You to the sisters of Kel_Cell who by the guiding hand of God, bought me a book by John Eldredge titled “Wild At Heart”. The phrase “it’s about time” is most apt in this case cos’ I know that God has been trying to give me a wake up call concerning my life but I guess I just wasn’t listening. I can only say that God never gives up on us…never ever.

This book is exactly what I need for this season, and since the day I started reading it, I haven’t been able to put it down. It’s not just how the author engages you with his stories, it’s the very essence of this book- Discovering the secret of a Man’s soul. For too long I’ve tried to distance myself from countless men’s seminars conducted in different churches. Reason is that they all fail to challenge me in terms of what being a man is really all about. It’s usually about what a good Christian man ought to be or do. They talk about qualities we should strive to possess and how to be a better Christian but what they don’t do is to talk about what a man is really all about- that God has created us with a constant need for adventures, battles to fight and a beauty to save. It’s a life of freedom, passion and adventure and this is exactly what I need. After reading this book for the first time, God has challenged me to do two things- To fight and to pursue.

To Fight for:
1) The right to be the man whom God as intended for me to be.
2) What God has placed in my custodianship- my family, finances and giftings etc.
3) For the opportunities to serve Him.

To Pursue:
1) Him.
2) My wife.
3) My passions.

Looks like this year is going to be a year of adventure for me. And I’ll be sharing them regularly on this blog in hope that it may encourage all of us who read it. Just before I go, allow me to share with you the lyrics to the song of my day…

When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with You above the storm,
Father You are King over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.

(Thank you hunny for playing the song)

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