Posted by: soulman | January 29, 2007

2 Flaws Down

I realised some things about myself that I’m very concerned about, personally I think they are my biggest flaws.

1) Impatience

I think I have a very low tolerance in this area. Maybe that is why I’m not a good coach or teacher. This is especially evident during band practices cos’ I cannot stand it when musicians cannot get the song right or when singers cannot get the tune right! I may cut a little more slack for the musicians but I get very upset with the singers cos’ it shows that they are not listening at all! I always have the urge during practice to turn around that shout out, “Oi, can you guys stop singing along with the CD and listen carefully to what they are singing first???” It’s amazing how we end up changing the tune of the song every time we sing it. I’m not a great singer, but come on people, at least try and sing in tune right??? Ok ok… must love people…

2) The-Need-To-Blame-Somebody mentality

This one’s scary. To me in every situation, there is a cause and effect. This means that things don’t just happen, someone let it or made it happen. For example, I’m lying on the couch watching TV and suddenly my hunny calls for help in the bedroom. I get up from the couch and accidentally kick my leg against the coffee table. This is what goes on in my mind: “OUCH! Why in the world did I hit myself? I walk through this place all the time and this does not happen so why did it happen this time? Oh… it’s because hunny called for me and it startled me so in the rush I hurt myself. So who’s fault that I’m in pain? HUNNY…” Sounds irrational? I think so too but that is exactly what goes through my mind when something happens!

I am so weird…

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