Posted by: soulman | January 29, 2007


Sigh…it’s so annoying that the civil service have to do things by the book all the time even though it does not make any sense…

Case in point:

On my earlier entry I wrote about the outrageous number of OILs I’ve chalked up over the last year and I do not have the time to clear them. Well, I came to work today only to realise that there is absolutely nothing for me to do today!!! I called back to the main office to try and ask for something to do (idiotic I know but I’m a responsible worker) and guess what they said…”nothing for you today leh…”!!?? Wah Lau eh! Then why didn’t the planner let me clear my OIL today? Oh yah I forgot… today is Monday and nobody is allowed to clear OILs on Mondays because there is not enough manpower. But but… there is absolutely nothing for me to do to… sigh… never mind, I rest my case.

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